Get to know us

  • We are Mark and Janalee Johnson— a husband and wife team, along with our friends who love God and His people—with yielded gifts of music and the message of the gospel— we function as “musicianaries” based in the inner city of Minneapolis.

    We have been married for 40 years with three sons, who are now grown and serving the Lord. We are so blessed and grateful for God’s grace and faithfulness in our lives and ministry.

    As we find the years starting to creep up on us, we find ourselves at a place of transition. However, there are areas of purpose and vision that still remain consistent and are becoming more confirmed and clarified as we continue on this frontier of faith.

  • Colossians 3:15

    Music is a key factor that differentiates us from other ministries in the marketplace. Others may use music, yet it is not an integral part of ministry function. Leading people into a deeper more meaningful worship experience is vital. Special original songs and CD recordings provide edification and encouragement; basic instruction of guitar skills in beginning to play and learning simple songs of worship.

    Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”

    Something God reminds us of is that it’s a lot better to work with Him than try to work for Him. Your friendship and partnership help enable us to serve with God’s heart and purpose in the gospel being living and preached in a city in need, now more than ever.

  • Forerunner Ministries has been in operation for 38 years, working mostly in the urban areas of the United States. Internationally, we have led teams on mission trips to eight different countries. Of those eight countries, most work has been in the Ukraine.

  • Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching [preaching] and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

    To work in the fulfillment of this scripture to the needy in urban areas—encouraging, mentoring, spiritually empowering.

  • Isaiah 58:13 + 61:4

    To help the Body of Christ, the church, enter into a greater sense and feel of the abiding presence of God. To seek, live and be filled with this presence daily. Believing for a genuine restoration of kingdom lifestyle of love, joy, and peace; by simply being with God that in turn speaks and proclaims the gospel to a lost and dying world.

    We serve to see this implemented through worship, preaching, discipling, and mentoring in one on one, church services, and small group meetings. Helping a diverse group of God’s people enter into His presence, and discover, embrace and walk into their God given destiny.